Students of Piney Woods Elementary School held their third annual Purple Martin’s Day Parade on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. in the school’s front car rider loop. This parade tradition is based on the book Balloons Over Broadway which begins the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade unit of studyContinue Reading

Several School District Five classrooms will soon benefit from grants provided by the Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative (MCEC). The Cooperative’s annual Bright Ideas program grants provide funding to teachers who have demonstrated innovative ideas for classroom projects. School District Five received nearly $5,000 in grants. School District Five grant recipients include:Continue Reading

Chapin Elementary School Eaglets Making an Impact Club was at Crooked Creek Park’s Howl-O-Ween helping local animals in need. They gave out 200 healthy pumpkin dog treats and more than 200 dog toys made from recycled t-shirts.Continue Reading

The application to School District Five’s Spring Hill High School for the 2024-2025 school year opens on November 9. Spring Hill High School (SHHS), Career Pathways Magnet, opened its doors in August of 2013 as an all-choice, all-magnet public high school. The school is ranked as the number one OpenContinue Reading

School District Five Nursing Supervisor Joanna Stanek has been selected to participate in a brand-new Public School Nurse Leadership program created by the University of South Carolina College of Nursing, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), and the South Carolina Department of Education. Stanek is oneContinue Reading

Have you ever experienced a 10-course meal? The Lake Murray Elementary Library was transformed into a Book Cafe’. All second, third, and fourth graders at Lake Murray Elementary had the opportunity to visit the Book Cafe’ for a special book-tasting event. The library was set up like a real restaurantContinue Reading

This October 23-30, the District Five Foundation will be hosting a week-long online auction – “The D5 Experience: Shining a light on school and community spirit, talent, and activities.” The Foundation will end the week with a district-wide spirit day filled with activities. By becoming a sponsor of the eventContinue Reading

Two District Five students will soon be published authors. Fourth grader De Andre Caughman at Seven Oaks Elementary School Media Magnet and third grader Dylan Martinez Perez at Leaphart Elementary School STEAM Magnet were surprised by Superintendent Dr. Akil E. Ross, Sr. and other faculty and staff, as well asContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five educator Dr. Elizabeth Magee has been recognized as a Distinguished Educator by the national nonprofit Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) for outstanding commitment to professional development in real-world personal finance topics. To date, Magee has earned 6 NGPF Certifications, each of which requires 10 hours ofContinue Reading

Chapin Intermediate School’s highest student awards are the Eagle Sight and Eagle Strength Awards. The awards are given by teachers to students who display Exceptional Eagle Sight and/or Exceptional Eagle Strength. Eagle Sight is defined as how you see yourself and others while Eagle Strength represents a growth mindset. TheContinue Reading