In a momentous achievement, Chapin High School extends a resounding congratulations to senior Cayman Collins for breaking the 1,000-point milestone in his basketball career. This remarkable accomplishment reflects not only individual skill but also dedication, hard work, and a passion for the game. Cayman Collins’s journey to reaching this significantContinue Reading

The Town of Chapin extends sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of Old Timey Christmas, transforming the event into a magical celebration. This cherished occasion would not have been possible without the support and dedication of numerous individuals and organizations. Grand Sponsor: Contributors and Partners: Special acknowledgmentContinue Reading

In the spirit of generosity and community, The Rapids Homeowners Association has once again joined forces with the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department for their annual “Spirit of Giving” charity drive. For an impressive 16 years, residents of The Rapids have made a significant impact through their continuous partnership, exemplifying theContinue Reading

Record-setting Sheriff’s Department welcomes holiday shoppers in northeast Columbia By W. Thomas Smith Jr. FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A ROW, Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott and deputies with the Richland County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD) – primarily RCSD’s command staff and members of RCSD’s Community Action Team – were outContinue Reading

Lt. Jonathan Brock, serving as the assistant commander for the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department’s west patrol region, has successfully graduated from the prestigious FBI’s National Academy located in Quantico, Virginia. Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon expressed his appreciation for Lt. Brock’s accomplishment, highlighting the positive impact it will have onContinue Reading

A creative collaboration between The Center for Advanced Technical Studies (The Center) and the Irmo Chapin Recreation Commission has given rise to a captivating addition to the annual Holiday Lights on the River spectacle at Saluda Shoals Park. The featured display for 2023 is a three-dimensional carousel scene, depicting whimsicalContinue Reading

In a kickoff to their 3rd Annual Week of Giving, the Mungo Homes Foundation orchestrated a surprise donation of $30,000 to Reconciliation Ministries on December 4. The unsuspecting recipients, Lucky Dettie and Ashley Arrington of Reconciliation Ministries were delighted during what they believed to be a coffee-serving event at theContinue Reading

In a philanthropic gesture, David Tucker, owner, and president of Corner Pantry Inc. and Tucker Oil, recently presented a generous check of $35,462.02 to Beth Irick, CEO of The Cooperative Ministry. The significant donation stems from the success of the second annual Tucker Oil/Corner Pantry golf tournament held at TheContinue Reading

Chabad of South Carolina is organizing a public Hanukkah menorah lighting event with massive a 12-foot menorah on the Gervais Street side of the State House, this Monday, December 11 at 6 pm. The event will feature an array of state and community leaders including Governor Henry McMaster, Mayor DanielContinue Reading