Lourie Center holds Open House

Senior Resources and the Lourie Center hosted an open house showcasing the Lourie Center, a wellness center for active adults 50 years and older who want to improve their lifestyle, learn new skills, and make new friends. Senior Resources and the Lourie Center unified in August 2023. The energy of the Lourie Center Open House was nothing short of invigorating as class instructors, community partners, current members, and prospective members joined together. Joined by Mayor Daniel Rickenmann, Representative Heather Bauer, and former Senator Joel Lourie, Senior Resources’ Executive Director Andrew Boozer announced a new partnership with the City of Columbia.

“One of the most exciting and new developments in this process has been the renewed energy and partnership with the city of Columbia, over the last spring and summer the city council has really encouraged further collaboration between the two organizations in the community so today thanks to the councils support we have a great announcement that is going to make the city residents more accessible to the Lourie Center, ” said Andrew Boozer. For the remainder of 2024, all City of Columbia residents over the age of 50 will qualify for a one year free base membership at the Lourie Center. “Working together in a collaborative effort […] that’s how we make a difference,” Mayor Rickenmann remarked.

Senior Resources and the Lourie Center also showcased newly approved plans to renovate the lobby to create a more accessible and welcoming environment for the members. Representative Heather Bauer spearheaded the initiative to secure funds to update the Lourie Center. “There is no greater feeling than to see dollars go towards a worthy cause and it really touches my heart, and I do believe together we are making a difference,” commented Representative Bauer.

The Lourie Center is focusing on expanding membership to include more diverse programming, expanding class options, and improving the mental and physical wellbeing of older adults. The Lourie Lectures winter series will be starting in February and there is no better time to join the Lourie Center. “I really believe the best is yet to come for the Lourie Center,” said Joel Lourie, President & CEO of Lourie Life and Health and son of the late South Carolina State Senator Isadore Lourie, whom the Lourie Center is named after.

Visit thelouriecenter to learn more and to join the Lourie Center.

For more information please contact, Senior Resources at (803) 252-7734 or visit seniorresourcesinc.org.

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