The Chapin Police Department is announcing the arrest of two suspects from an aggravated assault that occurred at 1153 Chapin Road in the Town of Chapin, South Carolina. Chapin Police Officers arrested Bryant Hunter Sanders at his residence in Newberry shortly after the incident. Jared Hunter Peake was later arrestedContinue Reading

During Fire Prevention Week (October 8 – 14), the American Red Cross reminds families and the community that cooking is the leading cause of home fires in the United States. The Red Cross team is issuing a few important safety steps to follow to help protect families from common –Continue Reading

The Town of Chapin will hold it’s annual Fall Night Out at the Town Hall complex on Thursday, October 26 from 6 pm until 8 pm. According to the town’s newsletter, there will be officers of the Chapin Police Department, Lexington County Sheriff’s Department, Richland County Sheriff’s Department and moreContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. For Chapin resident and retired nurse Heather Burkhart, seeing timely and efficient emergency service is a top priority. It all started in 2022 when she heard concerns expressed about the unavailability of a timely ambulance in her community to respond to calls for people with life-threateningContinue Reading

A Leesville man is accused of trying to kill a man after an argument prompted a shooting early Sunday morning. Daryll Jamar Thompson, 58, is charged with attempted murder and possession of a firearm during a violent crime, according to arrest warrants. “Based on the information detectives have confirmed duringContinue Reading

Nine recipients from five agencies were honored by church on Servant Leader Sunday By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Richland County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD) Sergeant Selena Williams and RCSD Corporal Kenneth Fitzsimmons received SERVANT LEADERSHIP AWARDs from Columbia’s Eastminster Presbyterian Church following a special awards luncheon, Sunday, Sept. 10, 2023, theContinue Reading

The Lexington Police Department is searching for Shaniya Nicole Anderson, age 13, as she is believed to be a runaway. Shaniya Anderson was last seen walking from Park North Apartments near Park Road at 7:00 a.m. on Monday, September 11, 2023. She was wearing a black sweatshirt, black leggings, blueContinue Reading

Chief Terrence Green is giving an update to the early morning stabbing death investigation last month in the Victorian Lakes neighborhood, as the 11th Circuit Solicitor’s Office has reviewed this case and has ruled it as a justifiable homicide. On July 31, 2023, at approximately 3:22 a.m., officers were dispatchedContinue Reading