Big Red Barn Retreat hosting a Heroes Art Show

The Big Red Barn Retreat has announced they are hosting a Heroes Art Show featuring original art created by Veterans and First Responders who have participated in the Big Red Barn Retreat art and photography workshop this past summer.

The art will be on display this fall from October 1 through November 30 in the hallway: Community Art, an art gallery dedicated to featuring up-and-coming artists at 701 Whaley Street, in Columbia.

The art pieces will be on display through the months of October and November and open to viewing by the public during business hours. Admission to the art gallery is free.

“Art can serve as a foundation to help transform suffering,” said Mary How. “Because we experience life through our senses, and because art making is kinesthetic, art therapy offers a powerful means to release unresolved trauma safely and metaphorically so participants are able to encounter healing and post-traumatic growth.”

Mary How is a board-certified art therapist who facilitates art therapy groups and art workshops for Veterans and First Responders at the Big Red Barn Retreat.

For more information about the healing arts programs at the Big Red Barn Retreat, visit their website at

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