Wilson Statement on Biden’s State of the Union

Washington, DC – Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s State of the Union address:

“Over the last three years, the failed policies of Bidenflation have caused families to suffer, while endangering every American with the Biden border crisis.

“Since Biden came into office, inflation reached the highest in 40 years, causing South Carolina families to pay $11,400 more in annual income, compared to 2021, destroying jobs. Sadly, during this time, nearly ten million illegal aliens have crossed the borders, including hundreds on the Terrorist Watchlist, putting every family at imminent risk of attack, as evidenced by the murder of Laken Riley. Biden disgracefully abandoned Afghanistan which resulted in the killing of 13 American servicemembers. This weakness encourages Dictators with Rule of Gun to invade Democracies with Rule of Law, as murderously conducted against Ukraine and Israel.

“My Republican colleagues and I are committed to making decisions based on fiscal sanity, creating jobs, to enforcing border security, to defending America with Peace Through Strength.

“Much remains to be done, but I will continue to promote jobs, help make our lives and communities safer, and restore the people’s voice.”

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