Purple Martins are on Lake Murray

Each summer, the skies over Bomb Island on Lake Murray come to life as the Purple Martins arrive for their annual vacation. It is estimated that more than one million birds venture north for the summer, roosting on the island and providing spectators with a rare glimpse of one of nature’s true phenomena. This sanctuary serves as a layover for the birds on their long journey to their winter home in South America, making it the largest roosting site in North America.

The best time to view this spectacular event is from late June through early August, with the number of birds peaking in mid to late July. The Purple Martins are visible at two times during the day – in the morning and evening. When the birds leave in the morning, it is described as an explosion of activity, so much so that local weather radar has noted the image is larger than Hurricane Hugo was in 1989.

For those wishing to witness this phenomenon, a boat is the best way to view the event on Bomb Island. Boats can be rented around Lake Murray, or you can charter a personal tour. Most tours last about two hours, and riders are encouraged to bring their own beverages and snacks. Here are some options for tours:

Captain Zach Steinhauser

Captain Kenny Hardee

Captain Rick Crout

Captain Dale Gossett

Captain Ben Stickney

Spirit of Lake Murray – Purple Martin Cruises

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience one of nature’s most impressive spectacles on Lake Murray this summer.

Photo Credit: Captain Zach Staeinhauser

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