Ensuring safe living for senior citizens

Home safety tips and precautions

By Dee Griffin

As people age, senior citizens may experience mobility and balance issues, making them more prone to falls and other accidents.

One of the easiest things you can do to ensure safety at home is to remove tripping hazards. Keep floors clear and remove any unnecessary items such as loose rugs and clutter. Install handrails in places such as bathrooms and stairs. Ensure that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are installed and working appropriately.

Having emergency numbers and medical information readily available is important for everyone but especially important for seniors and even more important for a senior that is living alone. The use of a medical alert system can also provide peace of mind and allow for quick access to help in case of a fall or other emergency. Regular check-ins with family, friends, or caregivers are an additional step to ensure that you are as safe as possible.

As mobility and other abilities decline, it may be beneficial to utilize assistive technology such as grab bars, lift chairs, bath seats, and personal assistive devices can also help to promote independent living.

Ensuring safe living for senior citizens requires a combination of home safety tips, extra precautions for seniors living alone, and using home modifications and assistive devices as needed. It is important for senior citizens, family members, and caregivers to work together to ensure optimal safety and health.

A good first place to start is with your primary care provider. They can provide safety information during your visit to their office. If appropriate, they may be able to have home health to come to your home for a safety evaluation to provide specific directions to you. The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is most certainly true for safety in the home as we age.

Dee Griffin has worked in the medical field for more than 20 years. She started as a certified nursing assistant and worked her way up to Family Nurse Practitioner. She is currently the owner of her own medical practice and enjoys educating her patients so that they can take an active role in their health.

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