Friends Day at Mast General Store recognizes organizations that work in each of the stores’ hometowns to activate volunteers around community assets, which contribute to residents’ quality of life and the economic viability of the region. This Saturday, September 9, the Mast Store in Columbia, will salute and host theContinue Reading

The three discuss forthcoming expedition to Ecuador and next year’s SC7 By Alex Junes-Ward Global Expedition Leader Dr. Tom Mullikin; Col. (Ret.) Steve Vitali, USMC; and Bruce Brutschy, past president and current member of the West Columbia Police Foundation, met at Hall’s Chophouse of Columbia, on August 23, to discussContinue Reading

A Little Black Dress (ALBD) will be holding its annual Scholarship Luncheon on September 16. The luncheon honors individuals who have given back by donating their time, resources, and talents to create a better community. The 2023 ALBD Luncheon honorees were Dr. Gary Bethea, Jamal Bradley, Cyril “Roy” Brasley, AngelaContinue Reading

By Dick Butcher The 2023 Chapin Labor Day did not disappoint with cars, pickup trucks, families, and children of all ages lined up in the beautiful weather waiting for the parade to start.  Sure, enough at 9:30, the parade came marching into town.  Our spot across the road from theContinue Reading

A landmark church in the historic Dutch Fork Area will celebrate its 150th anniversary this year. Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church, located in the Springhill Community near Chapin was dedicated in 1873 with 42 founding members and led by Reverend William Alexander Houck. The church was dedicated “to the service ofContinue Reading

The street party was on in the historic Beaufort Street district with a fun-filled festival that included a parade, musical concerts, street vendors, a children’s carnival, a classic car show and lots of food. This year’s theme was “Chapin’s Treasures,” which was embraced by the participants in the parade, There wasContinue Reading

With the start of the school year COVID-19 cases are rising in South Carolina. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said reports of COVID-19 in adolescent emergency room visits have almost doubled over the past week; due partly to the EG.5 variant. It’s highly contagious and affects peopleContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose In our last article, we discussed the fascinating subject of dreaming and how restful sleep is far better than owning gold. We recently examined eight medical school and university studies by scientists and found common, documented sleep-improvement techniques. Unfortunately, one-third of Americans suffer from sleep problems whichContinue Reading

Keep the Midlands Beautiful (KMB) and their event partners will host the third annual Lakeside Litter Sweep litter cleanup event on Lake Murray on September 16 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. KMB is seeking volunteers to clean up islands, shorelines, boat ramps, roads, and natural areas around the lake.Continue Reading

Chapin Utilities – Until further notice, the Town of Chapin Utilities is implementing water use restrictions for their customers on the Amick’s Ferry Water System. This is due to extremely high water use demands that are occurring during the morning hours on this system. These restrictions are only from 4:00Continue Reading