Before the era of sound in movies, theater organists were the unsung heroes who accompanied films with their improvisational skills. The Greater Columbia Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO) invites you to step back in time and experience Buster Keaton’s 1928 silent film comedy classic, “Steamboat Bill, Jr.,”Continue Reading

Get ready for a delightful performance as the Midlands Light Opera Society brings Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta “Patience” to the stage from February 1 to 4. The story revolves around a chorus of lovesick maidens enchanted by the aesthetic poet Reginal Bunthorne (Roddey Smith). This infatuation causes a stir amongContinue Reading

The South Carolina State Museum is proud to announce its latest initiative to enhance accessibility – free, unlimited access to certified visual interpreters for blind and low vision guests through the Aira service. As the first museum in the Southeast to partner with Aira, the State Museum continues its commitmentContinue Reading