We say Merry Christmas

It’s heartwarming to hear about Wayne Damron’s commitment to spreading the message of “Merry Christmas” and ensuring that Christ is not left out of the holiday season. The distribution of over 5,000 magnetic bumper stickers annually, with the aim of encouraging the use of “Merry Christmas,” reflects his dedication to this cause.

Wayne’s initiative, starting in 2010, emerged from his frustration with the notion that saying “Merry Christmas” was deemed politically incorrect. By providing these bumper stickers free of charge, he took a proactive step to address this concern and make the message more widely visible.

The fact that the movement has gained traction is evident in the increasing number of requests for magnets, not only from South Carolina but also from churches in Georgia and North Carolina. Surpassing 25,000 distributed magnets is a testament to the impact of this simple yet meaningful initiative.

Wayne Damron’s additional efforts, such as giving free lectures on ‘Coins of the Bible’ to churches and communities, further demonstrate his dedication to promoting the message of Christmas. The lectures, which span nearly three decades and cover various locations, showcase the depth of his commitment to sharing the historical and cultural significance of coins in relation to biblical times.

It’s noteworthy that the magnets are not a form of advertising or self-promotion but serve as a reminder to keep the focus on Christ during the Christmas season. Wayne Damron’s initiative stands as a shining example of individual efforts to uphold and celebrate the true spirit of Christmas in communities across multiple states.

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