Chapin Elementary School’s (CES) Eaglets Making Impact Team and Chapin Intermediate School’s Garden Club work together to restore habitat and support local wildlife. Under the guidance of leaders like Kaycee Sites, who leads the Chapin Intermediate garden club, students have been engaged in various activities such as winter seed sowing,Continue Reading

The ribbon-cutting ceremony at Chapin Elementary School’s pollinator garden marked a significant milestone in the students’ journey toward environmental stewardship. Led by fourth-grade teachers Jennifer Layton and Teresa Randolph, the Pollinator Garden Project exemplifies the power of community collaboration and student-driven initiatives. Inspired by the concept of solutionaries, the studentsContinue Reading

The D5 Foundation received a substantial contribution from Chapin Elementary School. The Chapin Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) demonstrated their commitment to community well-being by generously donating 10% of the proceeds from their annual Boosterthon Fun Run. The donation exceeded $4,800 and is earmarked to support the D5 Foundation’s SnackContinue Reading