Second District Dispatch: June 1, 2023

By Congressman Joe Wilson

I will continue to work hard every day to keep Americans safe, promote good-paying jobs, and help make our lives and communities stronger.

Constituent Organizations
Meeting and speaking with those who live and work in the Second District provides me a firsthand understanding of the issues affecting the many businesses, organizations, and individuals represented. I welcome the opportunity to listen to your needs and concerns, and my offices and I stand ready to help.

Whether in our Washington, Midlands, or Aiken/Barnwell offices, we want to hear from you, and our goals are to provide support however possible, whether it is an individual concern, or the issues are more broadly inclusive.

The following is a sampling of the groups representing our community that I have met with in the last few months. Please continue to check out our Facebook page for photos and insight.

FoodShare South Carolina
Crop Insurance Professional Assoc.
Savannah River National Laboratory
South Carolina Broadcasters Assoc.
South Carolina Farm Bureau
American Veterinary Medical Assoc.
South Carolina Red Cross
Asian American Hotel Owners Assoc.
Southern Cotton Growers
Savannah River Mission Completion
South Carolina Humanities
South Carolina Water Associations
Aiken Technical College
Midlands Technical College
South Carolina Society of Anesthesiologists
South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism

National Police Week
This month we recognized National Police Week, where we not only honored the brave men and women who keep families safe every day, but paid respect to all those who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

Unfortunately, Biden and the far left have supported defunding police legislation.
I was grateful to stand with Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Republican colleagues, including some who were former police officers themselves, to thank law enforcement officers for their bravery and dedication to their communities. House Republicans proudly support law & order and voted on multiple bills to ‘Back The Blue.’

100+ Days of House Republican Leadership
Recently, House Republicans marked the first 100 days of holding a House majority. We recognized efforts to deliver our ‘Commitment to America’ which includes a strong economy, a nation that is safe, a future built on freedom, and an accountable government. Highlights of accomplishments, so far, include:

Defunding the 87,000 new IRS agents.
Eliminating the Military Vaccine Mandate.
Establishing the bipartisan committee to strengthen America against threats from Communist China.
Protecting America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Defending the right to life with the ‘Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.’
Passing the ‘Parents’ Bill of Rights.’
Passing the ‘Lower Energy Costs Act.’

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