Riverbanks Zoo challenges community to a plastic free summer

Inspiring behavior changes, from watching wildlife in action to taking action to save wildlife, is a goal that Riverbanks Zoo and Garden work toward achieving with visitors every day. Today

Riverbanks is inviting the entire community to step up to the challenge for a plastic-free summer to help protect our environment at home and around the globe.

Plastic pollution is an ever-growing problem that negatively impacts the planet, from our own backyards to the ocean and everywhere in between. Each year more than 400 million tons of plastic is produced, most of which ends up in landfills or waterways. Anyone can take steps to a plastic-free summer by committing to these five easy actions:

SIP SUSTAINABLY: Just in the United States, half a billion straws are used daily. Plastic straws take up to two hundred years to decompose. By skipping the straw or using a biodegradable option like StrawFish consumers will play a key role in both saving marine life and limiting the amount of plastic straw waste in the community.

CHOOSE TO REUSE: Five trillion plastic bags and over 500 billion plastic bottles are used globally every year. Try choosing a reusable shopping bag and carrying a refillable water bottle. This will keep hundreds of single-use plastic items from entering landfills and waterways.

RECYCLE WHEN YOU CAN: It is estimated that ONLY 18 percent of plastic waste is recycled. Next time it’s time to dispose of something plastic, take a moment to look for the nearest recycling bin.

BRING A TRASH BAG: Over 10 million tons of plastic enter our oceans every year often being consumed by curious wildlife. By bringing along a trash bag on any outdoor adventure, whether a day at the beach or a hike in the woods, anyone can help prevent plastic pollution from harming wildlife.

LEAD BY EXAMPLE: Visit the Riverbanks website to take our Plastic Free Summer pledge at riverbanks.org/pledge. Tag us on social media with #plasticfreesummer and #liveawildlife. Then post a photo of YOU taking a plastic-free action—and encourage friends and family to take the challenge as well.

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