Richland County Offers Conservation Opportunities for Students and Educators

As the new academic year begins, the Richland Soil and Water Conservation District (RSWCD) is rolling out a series of engaging conservation education programs designed for local youth and educators. These initiatives provide valuable opportunities to explore environmental stewardship and contribute to conservation efforts.

For more details or to apply for any of the programs, visit Richland Soil and Water Conservation District.

2024-2025 Conservation Education Mini-Grants Richland County public, private, and alternative schools can apply for up to $1,000 in grant funding to support conservation projects and youth environmental education initiatives. The grants are awarded based on the conservation impact, feasibility, student and community involvement, and educational outcomes of the proposed projects. Two application deadlines are available: October 2, 2024, for fall funding and January 23, 2025, for spring funding. All project work and funding expenditures must be completed by June 11, 2025.

2024-2025 Youth Conservation Poster Contest The RSWCD invites K-12 students in Richland County to participate in the National Association of Conservation Districts’ 2025 stewardship-themed poster contest, “Home Is Where the Habitat Is.” This contest aims to raise awareness about the importance of natural and managed habitats in conservation. Each poster must include the theme phrase in its design. Posters submitted by April 11, 2025, will be eligible for local, state, and national prizes.

2025 SC Envirothon Incentives High school students interested in environmental science can compete in the SC Envirothon, an annual competition that tests teams on wildlife, forestry, soil science, aquatics, and current environmental topics. RSWCD is offering incentives to Richland County teams, including covering the $175 registration fee for the first three teams to submit their packets and providing a $500 stipend to the first three team coaches. The SC Envirothon competition will take place on April 25, 2025, with a coaches’ training session on February 1.

These programs provide excellent opportunities for students and educators to engage with and learn more about conservation, with the added benefit of potentially receiving grants, prizes, and scholarships. Don’t miss the chance to get involved and make a positive impact on the environment!

Photo: Students are honored at a reception for winning state honors in the Youth Conservation Poster Contest.

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