No cause of death yet for man found in closed motel

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has released information on a body found August 14 in a room of the Motel 6 on Burning Tree Drive in Lexington County. The Motel has been closed permanently since March 1.

The body of a male who remains unidentified was found in a bathroom of one of the rooms in the motel. The body of the male appears to have been in the bathroom of the motel room for possibly two to three weeks. The age and race of the male are unable to be identified due to the condition the body was found in. The clothing description is that of jogging-type pants, a blue t-shirt, and blue or black Adidas athletic shoes.

An autopsy performed on August 17 found no apparent injuries toxicology results are still pending.

The deceased was probably a white male, 6’ 0” tall, wearing grey and white Adidas athletic shoes with white soles, no socks, and long hair that could be brown or greyish in color that could possibly have been pulled back in a hair tie. Facial hair appeared long and unkept. The teeth were in poor repair with decay but the front teeth are intact. The T-shirt has a Batman symbol on the front with skulls in the symbol.

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