With the start of the school year COVID-19 cases are rising in South Carolina. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said reports of COVID-19 in adolescent emergency room visits have almost doubled over the past week; due partly to the EG.5 variant. It’s highly contagious and affects peopleContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose In our last article, we discussed the fascinating subject of dreaming and how restful sleep is far better than owning gold. We recently examined eight medical school and university studies by scientists and found common, documented sleep-improvement techniques. Unfortunately, one-third of Americans suffer from sleep problems whichContinue Reading

Keep the Midlands Beautiful (KMB) and their event partners will host the third annual Lakeside Litter Sweep litter cleanup event on Lake Murray on September 16 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. KMB is seeking volunteers to clean up islands, shorelines, boat ramps, roads, and natural areas around the lake.Continue Reading

A mixed bowling league is forming that will play the first and third Thursday nights of each month beginning September 7 at Stars and Strikes in Irmo. All ages are welcome and the starting time will be 6:30 pm. The league lasts for 16 weeks at $14 per week. ThereContinue Reading

Chapin Utilities – Until further notice, the Town of Chapin Utilities is implementing water use restrictions for their customers on the Amick’s Ferry Water System. This is due to extremely high water use demands that are occurring during the morning hours on this system. These restrictions are only from 4:00Continue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. This year’s “Battle of the Bell” took on an added emotional burden for Chapin High School football.Earlier in the week, the team received the shocking news of the passing of lineman FabianDouglas “Tre” Ruff III. The 17-year-old was found at his Little Mountain home on theContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. The Chapin High School girls’ golf team is getting battle-tested early this season. The Lady Eagles have a runner-up and first place finish in their first two matches this season. Last week, Chapin competed in the Lady Bengal Invitational in Blythewood. The Lady Eagles led afterContinue Reading

The Capital City/Lake Murray Country Regional Tourism Board’s (CCLMC) Annual Meeting was held on Monday, August 28 at Harbison Theatre. The meeting provided an opportunity for the tourism community and political allies to learn what the organization accomplished in 2022-23 by promoting tourism and economic development in Richland, Lexington, Newberry,Continue Reading

COVID is once again changing the high school sporting calendar in the Midlands. The anticipated football game between Spring Valley and White Knoll on Friday night has been canceled, according to a Richland School District 2 official. According to officials, the Spring Valley team has witnessed an increase in COVIDContinue Reading

The South Carolina Golf Association’s next two events on their calendars are some fun ones! With the 39th Annual Players Four Ball Championship being held at Columbia CC on September 9th, and the P.O.S.M. Championship being hosted at Woodcreek Club on September 18th. Hopefully, you will be getting your golfContinue Reading

Chief Terrence Green is giving an update to the early morning stabbing death investigation last month in the Victorian Lakes neighborhood, as the 11th Circuit Solicitor’s Office has reviewed this case and has ruled it as a justifiable homicide. On July 31, 2023, at approximately 3:22 a.m., officers were dispatchedContinue Reading