Global Climate Change and the impacts of Desertification are addressed By Chris Carter Dr. Tom Mullikin, chair of the gubernatorially established S.C. Floodwater Commission and representing the University of South Carolina’s School of Hospitality and Tourism Management where he teaches, spoke to upwards of 100 guests from around the worldContinue Reading

As we welcome spring, the American Red Cross urges donors to step forward and give blood to bolster the national blood supply. People of all blood types, especially those with type O, play a vital role in meeting the ongoing demand for lifesaving transfusions. Red Cross Month: March During RedContinue Reading

Don’t miss the 10th Anniversary of Tasting Notes presented by the South Carolina Philharmonic on March 25th from 6:30 to 9:30 pm at the S.C. State Museum. This signature fundraising event will feature a delightful evening of wine and food celebration, all in support of the orchestra’s education and communityContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. A back injury kept Andee Dircks off the softball field for much of her junior year. Through the first month of the season, the University of Michigan signee is making up for lost time. The Lady Eagles’ senior had 11 RBI and two home runs throughContinue Reading

School District Five administrators and staff are dedicated to preparing students for success beyond high school. Through collaborative efforts across all four high schools in the district and the Center for Advanced Technical Studies (The Center), students have access to internships and work-based learning opportunities to gain valuable hands-on experience.Continue Reading

COLUMBIA, SC – Zoe Warren, Republican conservative candidate for South Carolina Senate District 23, has introduced a resolution aimed at tightening restrictions on the distribution of obscene materials in South Carolina school and public libraries. Presented to the Lexington County Republican Party (LCRP), the resolution received unanimous approval at theContinue Reading