Future Foodies Learn Culinary Skills in Crooked Creek Camp

By Kelly Weber

Students in Elizabeth Harlow’s baking class had a delicious time learning new recipes, valuable kitchen skills and the joy of making new friends in the summer camp for kids aged 9-13 that ran from June 3-6 at Crooked Creek Park. Harlow offers another class for this age group, Cooking, as well as camps for smaller children. Little Baker and Little Chef’s classes are available for kids aged 6-8. Classes are two and a half hours long and run for four days in the summer and on select holiday breaks. Registration details can be found at www.icrc.net. She also offers classes at Lexington Leisure Center.

Harlow, originally from Georgia, has taught culinary camps at Crooked Creek Park since 2018. When asked about the positive impact teaching the community of Chapin has had on her, she responded, “What I enjoy most about teaching cooking and baking skills to my campers is witnessing their excitement and sense of accomplishment when they create something delicious with their own hands. I just love hearing them at the end of the day say, ‘I did this.’” Students take home a box of the goodies they have made each day and feel proud to share the experience with their families. 

During the recent baking camp, the menu included soft pretzels, mini flourless tortes, peach scones, campfire and sugar cookies, frosting and S’mores chocolate chip cookies. Harlow points out, “When making menus for camp, it is important to me to have items on the menu that are easy for kids to replicate at home with minimal help from their family, but also unique and maybe something they have not had before.” The menu is printed out for children to take home and also emailed to their parents. 

Learning new culinary skills fosters a love of cuisine for the children in Harlow’s class. “By the end of camp, I hope all campers will have the confidence and skills to prepare a camp recipe on their own. This includes understanding basic cooking techniques, the importance of kitchen safety, and the value of nutritional ingredients. I also want them to find joy being in the kitchen,” she says. By the end of the week, it is clear that all those in Harlow’s culinary camps have had both an educational and tasty time.

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