District Five names new principal for Lake Murray Elementary School

Lexington-Richland School District Five has named veteran administrator Kristen Eubanks the new principal at Lake Murray Elementary School.

Eubanks has served as principal at Bridge Creek Elementary since 2013. Prior to that job, she served as an assistant principal at Bridge Creek Elementary School. She also served in the classroom as a fourth and fifth grade teacher at Lake Carolina Elementary School. She was approved for her new post during a school board meeting on May 22.

“It is a privilege and honor to join the Lake Murray Elementary School family,” Eubanks said. “Lake Murray Elementary is known for its rich history of excellence, and I am thrilled to serve as principal. I look forward to collaborating with the Lake Murray Elementary School faculty, staff, parents, and community to build upon the tradition of excellence, as we educate, encourage, and empower all of our students to be difference makers.”

Eubanks earned her bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of South Carolina (USC). She also earned her master’s degree in elementary education from USC.

“Mrs. Eubanks is an innovative leader with a proven track record for developing a high-quality system of support for students, educators and leaders to thrive in,” said School District Five Superintendent Dr. Akil E. Ross, Sr. “Mrs. Eubanks brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to School District Five, which I know will serve the Lake Murray community very well!”

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