Daylily show and sale June 3

The Mid-Carolina Daylily Society will present its 23rd annual show and sale on June 3 at the Asbury Memorial Methodist Church located at 1005 Asbury Drive, Columbia.

Admission is free and open to the public from 1 – 4 pm. Entries for the show will be accepted from 8 – 10:30 am.

All daylily growers may enter their named cultivars in 19 award-eligible categories. The show is accredited by the American Daylily Society and after judging, both the on-scape and single bloom exhibits will be on display for daylily enthusiasts to enjoy.

The sale will feature a wide variety of daylilies available for $5 to $10 each.

Some perennials and other plants will also be available. Club members will be on hand to share their expertise and guide guests through their purchases. Funds from all sales are used for promoting and encouraging interest in daylilies and to foster the development and improvement in the genus Hemerocallis.

More info about the Mid-Carolina Daylily Society may be found on Facebook or on their website at Contact Beverly Breuer at 803-351-7524 if you have questions about the daylily sale or show.

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