The Chapin community came together to celebrate young writers from Chapin Elementary at the Chapin’s Voices Community Writer’s Workshop on Thursday, November 7th, held at Chapin Town Hall. The event showcased the creative work of fourth-grade students, allowing families and community members to see the writing process in action, from initial ideas to polished final drafts.
The workshop featured interactive stations, where participants could engage in writing challenges, leave encouraging feedback on displayed personal narratives, and collaborate at tables to discuss stories and exchange ideas. Inspired by fourth-grade teachers Jennifer Layton and Nora Congialdi, the event aimed to empower young writers by giving them a broader purpose and audience for their work.
The workshop is part of the Chapin’s Voices Challenge, which encourages community members to contribute their own childhood stories to an anthology that will feature both student and community narratives.

Teresa Randolph, executive director of Team Landolph, a group supporting community-building projects, praised the initiative. “This is just the kind of project we seek to support,” Randolph said. “It fosters community connections and celebrates the bravery of young students in sharing their stories.”
For those interested in participating in the Chapin’s Voices Challenge or learning more about similar projects, visit Team Landolph’s website: