Chabad of South Carolina to offer course on Biblical women

A new course for women, One Wow Moment: 7 Biblical Women Who Used 1 Moment to Change Everything, will explore how, by following the lead of these biblical women, today’s women can successfully empower themselves to make courageous and meaningful decisions.

This November, the Rosh Chodesh Society (RCS)—the women’s division of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI)—launches its latest course, One Wow Moment: 7 Biblical Women Who Used 1 Moment to Change Everything.

The Rosh Chodesh Society’s upcoming course, One Wow Moment, takes a scholarly peek at pivotal moments of personal decision within the lives of seven women of biblical fame, and investigates the psychology and internal strengths that propelled these women, with remarkable effectiveness, across chasms of doubt and timidity.

Recognizing that modern life rears a rapid series of crossroads bearing mixed signals, this course is a valuable and intriguing guide to exerting confidence, courage, empowerment, altruism, and deeper purpose when faced with unexpected opportunity, personal dilemmas, and moments of consequential decision.

“In their unique ways and under dissimilar circumstances, each of these biblical women—three matriarchs, two princesses, one queen, and a queen-to-be—rose to the occasion. Rather than accepting perfectly logical arguments for riding the easy route, they chose to act decisively. History has proven that these women single-handedly tipped the balance of the world to merit and salvation,” said RCS director Shaindy Jacobson. “Judaism truly believes that a single positive action of a lone person—no matter who—has the ability to transform a city, a nation, or the course of human history.”

The course will be taught once per month for seven consecutive months and is designed for women at all levels of Jewish knowledge.

“One Wow Moment is not an overview of these ancient lives; rather it analyzes the components of their fateful decisions and weighs the stakes involved,” said Devorah Marrus of Chabad of South Carolina. “In each of these classes we will challenge ourselves to consider how we might have reacted under similar circumstances: how we can harvest the life lessons inherent within each biblical narrative. I invite you to join me as we reframe ancient dilemmas into practical guidance for personal moments of decision in modern life.”

The Rosh Chodesh Society is an international Jewish sisterhood that aims to connect, empower, and inspire Jewish women through monthly Jewish learning and cultural experiences. For more information on One Wow Moment: 7 Biblical Women Who Used 1 Moment to Change Everything visit

Marrus will be teaching One Wow Moment at Chabad once a month starting November 16. Anyone interested is welcome to call 803-237-6084 for more information.

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