Have you ever experienced a 10-course meal? The Lake Murray Elementary Library was transformed into a Book Cafe’. All second, third, and fourth graders at Lake Murray Elementary had the opportunity to visit the Book Cafe’ for a special book-tasting event. The library was set up like a real restaurant with tablecloths, flowers, placemats, and even cafe’ music. Instead of food, students enjoyed a 10-course meal “book tasting”. Students visited different tables with themes such as Biography, Adventure, Realistic Fiction, Traditional Literature, Poetry, etc. “Each themed table was stocked with favorite titles, both brand new and familiar, the library’s most delectable morsels,” said Mrs. DiMaria.

Students were given a special bookmark, and as they browsed through each type of book, they were asked to try a “bite” by reading at least one page to give that particular genre a try. It was like trying a new food for the very first time. Each child, without exception, filled up their bookmarks with different titles and genres they wanted to read this year. Students described this experience as “cool”, “wonderful”, and “five stars,” which is just what Mrs. DiMaria hoped for. “My purpose here at Lake Murray is to help children find what they most love to read! When students love what they read, and have a steady supply of it, they soon become excellent readers. If you can read, you can learn and do anything!” added Mrs. DiMaria .
To top off this experience, Lake Murray Elementary enjoyed a special visit from Author, Stan Tucker. He met with all Lake Murray Elementary students to inspire a love of writing and to encourage students to try many things because you’ll never know what you’ll fall in love with if you don’t try.