By Thomas Grant Jr. Barring an updated schedule, Gray Collegiate’s home game Friday against Camden could be its last in the regular season. The War Eagles are scheduled to open Region 3-2A play next week against Eau Claire. However, the Shamrocks and five other region teams (Fairfield Central, Columbia, Newberry,Continue Reading

A landmark church in the historic Dutch Fork Area will celebrate its 150th anniversary this year. Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church, located in the Springhill Community near Chapin was dedicated in 1873 with 42 founding members and led by Reverend William Alexander Houck. The church was dedicated “to the service ofContinue Reading

The street party was on in the historic Beaufort Street district with a fun-filled festival that included a parade, musical concerts, street vendors, a children’s carnival, a classic car show and lots of food. This year’s theme was “Chapin’s Treasures,” which was embraced by the participants in the parade, There wasContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. Chapin High School recognized its newest Athletic Hall of Fame class on Aug. 26 at Chapin Town Hall. A total of five inductees were honored during the 6 p.m. banquet. In addition, Jim Graham received the Jimmie Ruff Service Award. Vicki Williams The winningest competitive cheerContinue Reading

On August 21, The School District Five Board of Trustees honored the Irmo Little League Seniors All-Star Team for a great season and representing the Southeast Region at the national tournament. The School District Five Board of Trustees also honored the District’s Finance department for earning 2 awards from theContinue Reading

With the start of the school year COVID-19 cases are rising in South Carolina. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said reports of COVID-19 in adolescent emergency room visits have almost doubled over the past week; due partly to the EG.5 variant. It’s highly contagious and affects peopleContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose In our last article, we discussed the fascinating subject of dreaming and how restful sleep is far better than owning gold. We recently examined eight medical school and university studies by scientists and found common, documented sleep-improvement techniques. Unfortunately, one-third of Americans suffer from sleep problems whichContinue Reading

Keep the Midlands Beautiful (KMB) and their event partners will host the third annual Lakeside Litter Sweep litter cleanup event on Lake Murray on September 16 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. KMB is seeking volunteers to clean up islands, shorelines, boat ramps, roads, and natural areas around the lake.Continue Reading

A mixed bowling league is forming that will play the first and third Thursday nights of each month beginning September 7 at Stars and Strikes in Irmo. All ages are welcome and the starting time will be 6:30 pm. The league lasts for 16 weeks at $14 per week. ThereContinue Reading

Chapin Utilities – Until further notice, the Town of Chapin Utilities is implementing water use restrictions for their customers on the Amick’s Ferry Water System. This is due to extremely high water use demands that are occurring during the morning hours on this system. These restrictions are only from 4:00Continue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. This year’s “Battle of the Bell” took on an added emotional burden for Chapin High School football.Earlier in the week, the team received the shocking news of the passing of lineman FabianDouglas “Tre” Ruff III. The 17-year-old was found at his Little Mountain home on theContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. The Chapin High School girls’ golf team is getting battle-tested early this season. The Lady Eagles have a runner-up and first place finish in their first two matches this season. Last week, Chapin competed in the Lady Bengal Invitational in Blythewood. The Lady Eagles led afterContinue Reading