The Irmo Police Department has arrested Maurice T. McQuire, 20, of Chapin, SC, on charges of Attempted Murder and Possession of a weapon during a violent crime following a shooting incident earlier this month. On August 3, 2024, Irmo officers responded to a shooting at a residence in the NewContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. A new season, a new head coach and a new stadium press box. It’s what Chapin High School football fans were presented this past Friday at Cecil Woolbright Field. Prior to the start of the Chapin Kickoff Classic, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held by Lexington-Richland SchoolContinue Reading

By Eileen Renders We all mature into different personalities with diverse interests, talents, abilities, and goals. I want to direct your interest right now, however, on a topic we all share in common. Regardless of our differences, we all require energy, inspiration, and the ability to achieve our goals. Therefore,Continue Reading

West Columbia, SC – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) has announced his annual bus tour, which will take place from August 20-23, 2024. During the tour, he will visit various locations throughout South Carolina’s Second Congressional District, including local businesses, schools, and organizations. “Each August, I host an annual bus tourContinue Reading

Chapin Town Hall, with its public nature trail and 70-foot Carolina Fence pollinator garden, recently hosted a celebration marking Chapin’s new designation as a Certified Community Wildlife Habitat. The event, organized by the Chapin Garden Club and the South Carolina Wildlife Federation (SCWF), highlighted the town’s commitment to creating aContinue Reading

Rock band Everclear is set to headline the LRADAC Foundation’s 5th annual Rock 4 Recovery concert, presented by Dominion Energy. The event will take place on October 4 at the Icehouse Amphitheater in Lexington and aims to raise awareness about the power and healing of recovery from substance misuse. AllContinue Reading

Richland County council members and staff recently took part in the S.C. Association of Counties Annual Conference held at Isle of Palms. The conference offered opportunities for in-depth interaction, strategizing, and both small and large-group learning sessions. During the event, Council members Gretchen D. Barron, Jesica Mackey, Yvonne McBride, andContinue Reading