Hattie’s View: Test your memory

I was told if I could remember one short Bible verse, my life would never be the same.

By Ellen Coffey

1 Corinthians 13:11 JKV:

When I was a child, I thought as a child I spoke as a child but when I became a man (adult)

I put away childish things

Wow. Aren’t we all guilty?

Think of the last time there was a disturbance in your family. Who was the adult in the room?

So remember to leave your commode and washing-machine lids open. Keeps the air fresh and mom happy.

As I write this it’s the last day of Summer, seems no one told Mother Nature. Everything is still lush and green. It’s still humid and the temp is 90 degrees.

The first thing I see this morning as I pour Hubby’s coffee? Butterflies everywhere.

Our cat, Smoky, is sitting outside my window sill looking in. Even as numerous butterflies flutter around him on the porch and around the flowers he’s motionless.

Smoky is special, one of six outside cats that think I’m their Mama.

But Smoky has been injured and it does not appear to be from a cat fight. Tinker-bell, our newest kitty, has not yet seen the vet so we’re about to find out if she’s a her or a him. She is a chatty kitty who needs a forever home. She wants inside with family before cold weather comes. We have two kitties who need to see the vet.

Five months ago a beautiful, but badly injured kitty, we call boots, joined our cat family. She’s obviously an inside cat too. She’s fine now, she’s humble and she loves everybody.

I have made arrangements to get him/her to the vet .

Our 6 original cats, Smoky, Pea-nut, Sheba, Tiger, Boss and Fuzz-Ball have all been neutered, spayed, registered, and vaccinated with records from Doctors Chambers Van Crest Vet clinic.

My friend, Ms. Mary, the cat lady, picks them up and return them to us.

Now back to test your memory.

Just for fun which cats need to see the Vet? Gotcha.

Which ones need a home?

Changing lanes:

Yes, Virginia, it’s true.

Tupperware has filed for bankruptcy. My mom would be devastated.

Her idea of a lady’s night out was hosting a Tupperware party with her neighbors and church sisters.

The hostess got points and premiums and took orders for the next willing hostess‘s party. Since Mama cooked everything from scratch she needed her ingredients and left-overs stored in airtight containers.

As long as she lived mama used her Tupperware.

Needless to say I inherited her kitchen jewels. The ones I’ve used daily are still soft and pliable. Dawn hand soap will keep them clean but a word of caution; they are not dishwasher friendly, the tops will never flit again.

Do you watch Grit TV westerns?

Which ageless Grit regulars of the 50’s and 60’s had the two best mustaches in Hollywood?

You gotta remember who said. “Go ahead. Make my day” or “I found him Paw. Can I keep him?”

If you attended the Clemson and NC State game Saturday you probably headed home at halftime. Williams Brice Stadium was rocking in the 8 pm Family night game against Akron Ohio Who also suffered loss as Gamecocks win 50 – 7.

A note to end this whimsical column. As I was contributing my columns to our first Community News, in 2008,

I declined a by-line. “Why?”

“In case you disagree, find a typo or mistake in our analysis, Good for you. Proving my desire to have something in this column for everybody” Y’all.

Interested in Tinker-Bell or Boots ? txt me at Ellen, timeforcoffey2024@gmail.com.