District Five to implement new cell phone policy in January

South Carolina Legislature Passes Anti-Bullying/School Safety Proviso 1.103

In May 2024, the South Carolina Legislature enacted Proviso 1.103, known as the Anti-Bullying/School Safety Proviso. This legislation mandates that all school districts in South Carolina implement a policy restricting student access to personal electronic communication devices during the instructional day by January 1, 2025. Compliance is required for districts to receive state funds allocated for State Aid to Classrooms.

According to the Proviso, a personal electronic communication device includes any device not authorized for classroom use that can access the internet, Wi-Fi, or cellular networks.

Policy Adoption by School District Five of Lexington/Richland Counties

On October 28, 2024, the School District Five of Lexington/Richland Counties Board of Trustees approved Policy JICJ – Personal Electronic Device During the School Day. This policy prohibits the use of personal wireless communication devices and accessories from the morning tardy bell until afternoon dismissal, marking the conclusion of the instructional day.

Exceptions to the Policy

The policy allows for specific exceptions, including:

  • Emergency Situations: As determined by the school district.

  • Student Support Plans: For students requiring devices per an individualized education program (IEP), Medical Plan, or 504 Plan.

The policy does not apply during school bus rides, field trips, or athletic events.

Parental Guidance and Student Expectations

Parents are encouraged to remind their children to silence and store personal devices and accessories during the school day, including class transitions and lunch periods. If a student is seen using a device or accessory in violation of Policy JICJ, they will be instructed to silence and put away the device.

Disciplinary Actions

Non-compliance may result in progressive discipline as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook under “Refusal to Obey” (1.270 or 2.270). Additionally, any student using a personal electronic device to record or distribute inappropriate or disruptive content on school grounds will face disciplinary consequences.

Partnership for Compliance

The district seeks cooperation from parents and guardians to ensure students understand and follow the policy in accordance with state law effective January 1, 2025. Schools will continue sharing updates through newsletters, websites, and social media to reinforce these expectations.