Chapin Honors Fallen Heroes at Memorial Day Ceremony

The Town of Chapin hosted its annual Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 27, at the Chapin Town Hall, paying tribute to the fallen veterans of the armed forces. The event began with a solemn Presentation of Colors by the Chapin High School NJROTC, followed by a welcome from the Commander of Chapin Post 193.

Mayor Al Koon addressed the gathered crowd, reflecting on the importance of remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The keynote speaker, Rear Admiral Phillip Sobeck, delivered an inspiring speech honoring the bravery and dedication of the nation’s servicemen and women.

Adding to the ceremony’s poignancy, the South Carolina State Guard performed rifle volleys, and Ellie Rose Brownfield of Chapin High School played TAPS. The ceremony served as a powerful reminder of the courage and sacrifice of the nation’s fallen heroes.